Showing posts with label GUESTPOST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GUESTPOST. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Failure is important

         Failure is a first step towards success.This is very important to face failure for everyone,it teaches meaning of success and for getting that success what step you have to take,so in simple words you can say it as a "Mother of Success". From failure we understand the importance of success,if a person getting failure back to back then now the time comes for success.Failure itself a confident builder not looser,from failure you get the way for success.

                In the society failure always rejected,but truth is that all have to study the failure,cause of failure and by analysis failure you will definitely got success.
       Many people having different meaning of failure ,some things its end and some things ts a new way of success.Failure is nothing but a state when the people doesn't meet their desirable goals then they give it a term "Failure".

  "When we give ourselves permission to fail,we at the same time , give ourselves permission to excel."
                                                              By Eloise Ristad

     "No human ever became interesting by not failing.The more you fail and recover and improve,the better you are as a person.Ever meet someone who's 
always had everything work out for them with zero stuggle ? They usually have the depth of a puddle .Or they don't exist."

                                                      By Chris Hardwick


Monday, 6 March 2017


     Inspiration the word means "Someone or something that gives you idea of doing something".Inspiration of India shows you the person and the places who inspire rest of the people for doing some thing.First of all we have to know "what is India?". INDIA is the land of dreams and romance,of fabulous wealth and faboulos poverty,of splendour and rags,of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, of genii and giants and aladdin lamps,of tigers and elephant,the cobra and the jungle, the country of hundreds nations and a hundreds tngues,of a thousand religions and two million gods,cradle of human race,birthplace of human speech,mother of history,grand mother of legend,great grand mother of traditions,because of these many things,ancient India was called"Golden Sparrow".
            India is a country where from the historical times to present many inspirational things and persons born.Indian history is full of Inspiration,whether it is mughal era or current era.